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HL100 Heavy extendable table

HL100 Heavy extendable table

  • Size closed 51" (130cm) diameter. Seats 4.

    Size with 1 leaf 69" (175cm) x 51" (130cm) x 29.5" (75cm). Seats 6 - 8.

    Size with 2 leaves 87" (221cm) x 51" (130cm) x 29.5" (75cm). Seats 8 - 10.


    Table extends by the use of a reciprocating cog system.


    New and improved model of this table now available with 1/18" (46cm) storable leaf. Size closed 63" (160cm) x 51" (130cm) - seats 6. Size with leaf 81" (206cm) x 51" (130cm) - seats 8-10. Ref: HL100S or HL9100S.


    The new model will take a 2nd but none storable leaf giving a table size fully open of 99" (251cm) x 51" (130cm) - seats 10 -12.

  • All prices are based on the smallest measurements shown and use plain English Oak.

    Should you wish to have any of the other sizes, use bespoke measurements and/or use Pippy Oak please contact us for a quotation.

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